The following text is a re-statement of the By-Laws of the CPYC, in a modern web format. They are being offered here, in this format, for convenience. The official copy of the CPYC By-Laws can be downloaded using the link below.
(PDF Download)

Revised February 28, 2024

Sec. 1. Name: This corporation shall be known as the Cottage Park Yacht Club (“CPYC”, or “Club” hereafter in these bylaws) with its headquarters located in Winthrop, Massachusetts.

Sec. 2. Corporate Seal: The Corporate Seal of the Club shall consist of two circles, one within the other, the upper segments between them containing the name "Cottage Park Yacht Club", and the lower segments the words "Incorporated 1902", and in the inner circle the Club Burgee.

Sec. 3. Pennants:

  1. The Club Burgee shall be a pointed flag, the width being two-thirds of the length. A blue five-pointed star, the diameter of which is one-quarter the greatest width of the signal, shall be placed in the middle of a white triangle whose base is the luff of the
    signal, the apex being in the middle of the flag, distant one-half the length of the same from the luff. The rest of the flag shall be red.
  2. For sailing yachts, the Club Burgee, Officers flags, and private signals shall be three-fourths of an inch in length for each foot in height from the water to the main trunk; for other yachts, one inch. The hoist shall be two- thirds of their length.
  3. The Commodore's flag shall be a broad pennant having a swallow tail, the hoist two-thirds of the length, with a white foul anchor, surrounded by a circle of thirteen white stars all on a blue field.
  4. The Vice Commodore's pennant shall be the same as that of the Commodore, substituting a red for the blue field.
  5. The Rear Commodore's pennant shall be the same as that of the Commodore, substituting a white for the blue field, and substituting a red for the white foul anchor and substituting red stars for the white.

Sec. 4. Restrictions: The Club's name, seal and other distinctive items may not be used for any business, advertising, or private purpose without the written consent of the Board of

Sec. 1. Purpose: The purpose of the CPYC is to be a center for boating and all its associated activities in Boston Harbor. Its mission is to create a membership community that supports this goal by encouraging enjoyment of the sea, by increasing members’ knowledge of and proficiency in boat handling and safe operation of watercraft of all types. The CPYC shall educate youths in the Club community in these ways and encourage such social activities that strengthen the membership community.

Sec. 1. Requirements: 

  1. Applications for membership submitted to the Board of Directors for approval, shall include:
    1. A completely filled out application form.
    2. Signatures of two members in good standing as sponsors.
    3. Confirmation of prospective member interview by the Membership committee.
    4. A recommendation to the Board of Directors by the Membership Committee.
    5. Payment of the required dues, all assessments and initiation fee which will be withheld from deposit until the application is approved. The club shall waive payment of the initiation fee for the 2024 Dues Year.
  2. Following a two-week minimum posting of the application in the Club house and/or online and an interview with the membership committee, the Board of Directors shall vote on all applications in the order in which they are received. No person shall be accepted unless they receive 5 (five) affirmative votes. Only the final disposition of each application shall be disclosed by the Board of Directors.
  3. Each applicant, except the sons or daughters of an active member shall pay an Initiation Fee equal to twice the Annual Assessments.
  4. Any person having resigned from the Club in good standing may be re-elected to membership, without retaining previous seniority, by vote of the Board of Directors and payment of Dues owed based on re-election date, current Annual Assessments, and all other voted Special Assessments.
  5. A duly elected member is subject to a probationary period of one year beginning on the date of their election. The Board of Directors may reconsider the application for membership of any new member during this period. The membership may be revoked during the probationary period, without appeal, by a majority vote of Directors.  A pro-rated refund of the assessments owed, and user fees paid by the member less any indebtedness to the Club shall accompany the notice of revocation which must be in writing, signed by the Secretary, and sent by certified mail to the member.
  6. The membership of the Club shall be limited to 565 (five hundred and sixty-five) members comprised of a combination of the following membership classes as such: any combination of and up to 400 (four hundred) Regular (REG), Young Adult (YAD) and Regular Military (MIL) members, 20 (twenty) Life (LIF) members,125 (one hundred twenty-five) Social (SOC) members and 20 (twenty) Trial (TRI) Members. Honorary (HON), Regular Senior (SEN), and Regular – Non-Resident (NRE) membership classes shall not be counted towards the member limit and shall have memberships caps as set forth in Section 2. No Regular Member's child  shall be denied voting membership because the membership cap. All members in any of the classes permitted under Section 2 below, except for Social Members, shall be included in the member seniority listing as long as their membership is continuous. Any lapse in membership will cause the member’s name to be reinserted at the high end of the list.
  7. CPYC eligibility for membership shall not be restricted on the basis of age, sexual orientation, gender, race, religious affiliation, ancestry, national origin, covered veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Sec. 2. Classes of Membership:

  1. REGULAR – (REG): Regular Members shall be entitled to all Club privileges including voting and holding office and shall pay all annual assessments and all other voted special assessments and applicable user fees as defined by these by-laws.
  2. LIFE – (LIF) The Board of Directors may present to the membership at any meeting for election as Life member, the name of any person who has rendered the Club important services or benefits or who for any reason they may see fit to this honor. The election to Life Membership shall be by paper ballot with four fifths (4/5th) majority vote of the membership present at the meeting. The number of Life members shall not exceed twenty (20). Upon the demise of one or more during the year, names for election to Life Membership may be proposed by the Board of Directors, for submission to the membership at any meeting of the Club, in such numbers as to again raise the Life Membership to twenty (20). To be proposed for life membership, members must have been a member in good standing for at least twenty-five (25) years. Life Members shall be entitled to all the same Club privileges as Regular Members including voting and holding office.
  3. HONORARY – (HON) The Board of Directors may present to the membership at any meeting for election as an Honorary Member, the name of any person who they see fit to this honor. The number of Honorary members shall not exceed ten (10). The election to Honorary Membership shall be by paper ballot with a four-fifths (4/5th) majority vote of the membership present at the meeting. Honorary Members shall be entitled to the same CPYC privileges as Regular Members, except voting and holding office, and shall have no interest in any of the Club's property.
  4. REGULAR – SENIOR - (SEN) Any member who has reached the age of 65 (sixty-five) by April 30 and who has been a Regular member in good standing for ten consecutive years will be considered a Regular Senior member. Regular Senior members shall be entitled to all the privileges of a Regular member including voting and holding office. There shall be no membership cap on Senior memberships.
  5. REGULAR - MILITARY – (MIL) Any member who enters active military service shall be considered a regular member for each year of said service. Regular Military Members shall be entitled to all the same CPYC privileges as Regular Members including voting and holding office.
  6. REGULAR – NON-RESIDENT – (NRE) Any member having his or her legal place of residency fifty or more linear miles from Winthrop may be eligible to be a Non-Resident Member upon application to the Board of Directors. Certification of legal residency shall be submitted with the original NRE application and thereafter must be updated and resubmitted annually for NRE renewal approval in the form of a copy of (1) a valid driver’s license with the member’s current address and (2) a voter registration card for the community in which the member resides. Non-Resident Members have all the privileges of a regular member except, voting, holding office or utilizing marina/boating facilities at the CPYC. Members with a boat utilizing any of the CPYC marine facilities will not be considered for NRE status.
  7. YOUNG ADULT – (YAD) Any member between and including the ages of eighteen and thirty before April 30 shall be considered a Young Adult member and shall be entitled to all the same CPYC privileges including voting and holding office as Regular Members.
  8. COURTESY ASSOCIATE MEMBERS – (CAM) The Board of Directors may extend a courtesy associate membership to the following:
    i. Current Commander of the USS Constitution and the Commander of the USCG Group Boston. Said members would have all the privileges of a regular member except voting, holding office or utilizing marina/boating facilities at the CPYC, and they shall have no interest in any of the CPYC's property.
    ii. Spouse or Domestic Partner (as defined in Article III, Section 2-L) of a deceased member in good standing. The Board of Directors may grant the option to maintain the current membership of the deceased member (at current membership levels but excluding Life Members (LIF) of the deceased member) up to the following March 1. In the next dues year, the Spouse or Domestic Partner will then have the option to maintain the current membership (responsible for all applicable Annual Dues plus one hundred percent of all other voted annual/special assessments and applicable user fees). Or, the Spouse or Domestic Partner may accept a Courtesy Associate Membership, provided the member is in good standing. Said member would have all the privileges of a regular member except for voting, holding office or utilizing marina/boating facilities at the CPYC but children thereof may participate in the youth sailing program, and they shall have no interest in any of the CPYC's property. Both membership options terminate upon the lapse of membership or demise of the Spouse or Domestic Partner of the original member.
  9. TRIAL-(TM) Trial Members shall be entitled to all the same Club privileges as Regular Members except seniority, voting and holding office. Trial membership will be capped at 20 (twenty) active members and available to anyone who has not previously been a member of CPYC. A Trial Membership shall last for no longer than twelve months provided that the Trial Member is in good standing. Trial Members may convert to Regular Membership at any time during the period of Trial Membership (receiving a pro rata credit of fees paid toward Regular Membership fees and dues), or, within thirty days of the expiration of their Trial Membership on the terms then in effect. Trial Membership availability shall be suspended for prospective new members should the club reach membership levels of 380 (three hundred and eighty) Regular, Young Adult and Regular Military members. This represents a 95% cap for suspension of the trial membership class.
  10. SOCIAL (SOC) Social members shall be entitled to all the same club privileges as regular (REG) members except for seniority, voting, holding office and the use of the marine facilities.
  11. YOUTH ASSOCIATE – (YA) Any member’s child between and including the ages of sixteen and twenty by April 30 can be considered for a Youth Associate Membership and entitled to all Club privileges including seniority but excluding voting, holding office, and individual marina rights. Youth Associate Members shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the clubhouse and marina. The Youth Associate Membership must be associated with and linked to a parent’s or grandparent’s membership (with parental consent) with the parent’s or grandparent’s membership class being that of a Regular, Life or Senior Member in good standing.
  12. Except for voting and holding office, the current married partner (per Massachusetts General Laws) or the Domestic Partner, who must legally reside at the same address as the member, and their children under the age of eighteen shall be entitled to all CPYC privileges as defined by house rules and their membership class. This courtesy is extended to all membership classes except for Social (SOC) and Youth Associate (YA). The Spouse or Domestic Partner of a Social (SOC) member shall be considered a guest.

Sec. 3. Dues, Assessments and Fees:

  1. Definitions
    1. Dues (set by these by-laws and or a vote of the members).
    2. Annual Assessments (set by these by-laws and or a vote of the membership).
    3. Special Assessments (set by vote of the membership).
    4. User Fees (set by vote of Board of Directors) - for use of such items as moorings, marina slips, lockers, dry boat storage, parking, membership cards and new or replacement keycard or fobs.
    5. The CPYC Dues year runs annually May 1 through April 30 of the following year.
  2. The Annual Dues, Assessments & Fee Schedule – all members shall pay applicable Annual Dues, Annual Assessments and Special Assessments set by vote of the CPYC and applicable user fees as outlined in Article XIII of these Bylaws based on their membership class by March 1 of the Dues year.
  3. The Annual Dues shall automatically increase for all membership classes upon determination of a cost-of-living increase that exceeds the aggregate of five percent (5%) since the last dues increase. The US Social Security COLA table shall determine the aggregate cost of living increase. If triggered, these automatic annual dues increases shall not exceed five percent (5%) in the given Dues year in which it was triggered.
  4. No other annual dues, annual assessments or special assessments shall be levied except by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting at any meeting provided the call of the meeting states the subject to be considered.
  5. After August 31 and before January 1 of the dues year, the Annual Dues for Regular, Regular Senior, Non-Resident Regular, and Young Adult Regular will be fifty percent (50%), plus one hundred percent (100%) of all voted assessments, special assessments, and applicable user fees. After 31 December of the dues year, all dues paying membership classes will pay the Annual Dues, special assessments, assessments, and applicable user fees for the upcoming dues year. The date of membership is the date a member is voted upon by the Board of Directors.
  6. Changes to a member’s Class of Membership must be certified by the Club Secretary before March 1 of the year in which the renewal will take effect. Without such certification, the member will be classified as a Regular Member for the entire year. No class of membership change will be enacted during the rest of the year except for conversions outlined in Article III, Section 6A, 6B, and 6C.

Sec. 4. Resignation: Resignation must be made in writing to the Secretary, and no resignation shall be accepted until the member is clear of all indebtedness to the CPYC. No resignation received after the completion of the 30-day posting period shall relieve the member from the Annual/Special Assessments for the current year. Members who resign their membership in good standing are eligible to apply for SOCIAL (SOC) membership after a waiting period of no less than two (2) years from the effective date of resignation.

Sec. 5. Chit Program: All members shall be billed annually for the purchase of “Chits” which may be used to pay bills for food and drink in the Pilot House, Westerly, or Sunset Bar. New members joining September 1 or later will purchase chits at 50% (fifty percent) of current levels as stipulated in Article XIII.

Sec. 6. Conversion:

  1. Social (SOC) members in good standing may convert to REG or YAD membership at any time as long as the membership cap has not been reached (receiving a pro-rata credit of fees paid toward regular membership fees and dues) and the Class of Membership meets the provisions set forth in Article III, Sec. 2
  2. REG, SEN &YAD to SOC: Upon indicating their desire to convert, in writing, to the Club Secretary, current REG, SEN & YAD members may convert, prioritized by seniority, to Social membership at a rate of one (1) REG, SEN or YAD conversion for every three (3) new members of SOC class, up to a maximum as defined in Article III Sec. 1- F. Changes from REG, SEN &YAD to SOC shall only be considered once annually according to provisions outlined in Article III, Section 4
  3. Conversion: Youth Associate (YA) members in good standing must convert to another class of membership on the first day of March following their twenty-first birthday per the procedures as outlined in Article III, section 3-F. Conversion of YA to any class of membership will be allowed, however the conversion to any other class of membership other than REG or YAD shall be deemed a forfeiture of seniority. Conversion to Social Membership shall be subject to the rules outlined in Article III, Sec 6-B.

Sec. 1. There shall be a Board of Directors composed of the Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Treasurer, Secretary and four other members who shall hold no other elective office. A quorum shall consist of five members.

Sec. 2. Subject to special action by the Club, the Board of Directors shall have the entire management and general control of the Club's property, finances, and affairs: they shall act upon all applications for membership. They may make or authorize all necessary contracts. They shall have no power to make the Club liable for any debt beyond the amount of money which shall be in the Treasurer's hands and not previously appropriated, except by special action of the Club. They shall appropriate to the use of each committee such sums of money as may seem to them to be for the interest of the Club and within its resources. Nothing in this paragraph is to preclude a vote of the Board of Directors to apply for and receive a short-term loan or Line of Credit, and to pledge or assign, if necessary, as security for money borrowed or credit obtained, the Personal Property of the Club. Personal property does NOT include real estate (Real Property). Such Lines of Credit shall not exceed an aggregate total of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) nor extend beyond one year unless approved by two-thirds (2/3rd) of voting members.

Sec. 3. Application for any sale, lease, or grant of any property, rights, or franchise of the Club, shall be made to the Board of Directors, who shall immediately instruct the Secretary to notify all members of such application in the call for the next meeting. The Board of Directors shall examine such application and submit their recommendations to the Club at that meeting prior to the vote on same. Approval of all such applications shall require a two-thirds (2/3rd) vote of those members present and voting. Following approval by the Club, the sale, lease, or grant of Club furnishings shall be at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Sec. 4. They shall create Standing Committees and any special ad hoc committees they deem necessary.

Sec 5. They shall have the power to fill all vacancies, which may occur on their own Board, with the exception of the Commodore, Vice Commodore and Rear Commodore. Such appointments as they may make shall hold until the next Annual Meeting. In the event of a Board vacancy, at the next annual meeting, names for this vacant office shall be submitted from the floor, and the candidate receiving the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected to fulfill the original term, of the replaced board member.

Sec. 6. They shall prescribe rules for the admission of strangers, and Rules and Regulations for the use of the clubhouse. They shall have the power to fix the penalties for any violation of the By-Laws and Rules and Regulations and to suspend any member for such violations per Article IX Sec 3.

Sec. 7. The use of the clubhouse by anyone shall be left in the hands of the Board of Directors.

Sec. 8. They shall hold meetings at least once a month. Special meetings may be called by the Commodore, or any three Directors, whenever it is deemed necessary.

Sec. 9. The Board of Directors may hire a club Manager and shall have oversight for all other employees of the Club, both permanent and temporary. All employee compensation and other benefits deemed necessary within the Club’s resources shall be approved solely by the Board of Directors. Further, they shall have the sole authority to discipline those employed by the Club up to and including employment termination.

Sec. 10. Unless any one Board member requests a meeting to discuss a particular matter, the Board of Directors may conduct its business and take votes on all matters that come before it by use of telephone, or digital means.

Sec. 1. List of Elected Officers:
  1. The Officers shall be a Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Secretary and Treasurer.
  2. In the event of the inability of the Commodore to perform his or her duties, the Vice Commodore shall assume the office and duties of the Commodore, and the Rear Commodore shall assume the office and duties of the Vice Commodore. In the event of the inability of the Vice Commodore to perform his or her duties, the Rear Commodore shall assume the office and duties of the Vice Commodore. In either event, a special meeting shall be called within thirty days of the announced inability, the sole business of which shall be the election of a new Rear Commodore. Names for this office shall be submitted from the floor, and the candidate receiving the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected. He or she shall hold office until the next Annual Meeting.
Sec. 2.  Duties of Officers:
  1. COMMODORE - It shall be the duty of the Commodore to preside at all meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors, enforce the By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations; and approve all proper bills. The Commodore may appoint a Fleet Captain. The Commodore shall be a member ex-officio of all committees but may not serve as chair of any committee.
  2. VICE COMMODORE - It shall be the duty of the Vice Commodore to assist the Commodore in the discharge of the Commodore’s duties; and, in the Commodore’s absence, to officiate in the Commodore’s stead.
  3. REAR COMMODORE - It shall be the duty of the Rear Commodore to assist the Commodore and Vice Commodore in the discharge of their duties; and, in their absence, to officiate in their stead.
  4. SECRETARY - It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a record of all meetings; conduct the correspondence; issue all notices of meetings, have the custody of reports, papers, etc.; and act as Clerk of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall keep an updated seniority listing of the members and their addresses together with the dates of their memberships; keep a record of the name, rig, dimensions, and ownership of each yacht enrolled; notify in writing each member-elect of their election and furnish them with an informational Welcome Packet. The Secretary shall prepare and publish the minutes of each board and annual meetings under the direction of the Board of Directors; and perform such other duties as are required by the By-Laws.  In case of the Secretary's inability to attend any meeting, they shall make arrangements for the minutes to be conveyed at said meeting.  The Secretary shall make a written report of the general condition of the Club membership at the Annual Meeting. The Secretary shall distribute the keycards.
  5. TREASURER - It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive the monies of the Club and deposit the same in the name of the Cottage Park Yacht Club in a bank or Trust company approved by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall take charge of the collections of dues, assessments, fees for the rental of all lockers, float, pier, and parking spaces for boats; to act as custodian of all contracts and financial documents. The Treasurer shall pay all bills of the Club.  Such bills shall be certified to by the member or members contracting same.  No bill in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000) shall be paid until approved by the Commodore and at least one member of the Board of Directors.  The Treasurer shall keep a correct accounting of the money received and dispersed by the Club.  The Treasurer shall present at each meeting a report of the actual financial condition of the Club, and at the Annual Meeting, a detailed report, with a statement showing previous year’s activities.  The Treasurer shall furnish bonds in an approved surety company, the amount to be determined by the Board of Directors and the premium the same to be paid by the Club.

Sec. 1. There shall be an Annual Meeting on the fourth Wednesday of February of each year at which the reports of the Secretary, Treasurer and those Committees selected by the Board of Directors shall be read, and the required elections shall be held. If this Wednesday falls during Winthrop school vacation week, the meeting shall take place on the third Wednesday of February. When Ash Wednesday coincides with the Wednesday selected by the above procedure, the meeting will be scheduled on the following Thursday.

Sec. 2. There shall be a Regular Meeting on the third Wednesday of November of each year at which the election of a nominating committee shall be held. When the specified meeting date occurs on the day before Thanksgiving, the meeting will be rescheduled to the next Wednesday.

Sec. 3. The Commodore may call special meetings at their discretion and must do so at the written request of ten members within thirty days of the receipt of such a request.

Sec. 4. The Call for all meetings, stating the time and place of the meeting, signed by the Secretary, shall be deposited in the mail, postage prepaid, addressed to each member at their address as it appears on the membership roll of the Club or, if elected by the member, delivered electronically to the member’s primary email address as it appears on membership roll of the Club, at least seven days before the meeting. A copy of the same shall be posted in the clubhouse. No business shall be transacted except that stated in the Call of the meeting. Allowances for virtual meetings will be made provided extraordinary circumstances prohibit in person CPYC meetings.  All applicable provisions for meetings set forth by these bylaws shall remain in force to the degree allowable by the virtual medium used.

Sec. 5.  Thirty members shall constitute a quorum.

Sec. 6.  Voting by proxy shall not be allowed.

Sec. 7.  Roberts Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority governing the conduct of all meetings of the Club and its committees whenever such rules are applicable and not inconsistent with these by-laws.

Sec. 1. The Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Secretary and Treasurer shall each be elected for a one-year term.  Two Directors shall be elected for a two-year term on odd numbered years, and two Directors shall be elected for a two-year term on even numbered years.  An Auditing Committee consisting of three members shall be elected. Each member thereof will serve for a three-year term with one member elected each year.  All shall hold office until their successors have been elected and have accepted.

Sec. 2. A Nominating Committee of five members shall be elected each year by paper ballot.  Names for election to said Committee shall be accepted from the floor only. Of the five members elected, the one with the greatest vote shall serve as chairman unless otherwise voted by the newly elected committee.

Sec. 3.  Any eligible member may be placed in nomination for an elective office, providing that ten members petition the Secretary to that effect at least fifteen days before the Annual Meeting.  

Sec. 4.  The Secretary shall post all nominations in the clubhouse and electronically on the day that they receive them and send a complete list of the same with the call for the Annual Meeting.

Sec. 5.  The Secretary, if more than one set of candidates are placed in nomination for an elective office, shall prepare the ballot for use at the elections containing all the nominations alphabetically arranged for each contested office with spaces in the right-hand margin where members may signify their choice by marking an X opposite the name for which they vote.  The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes for the respective office shall be declared elected.

Sec. 1. Elected Committees:

  1. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to prepare a list of nominations for the officers and elective committees for the incoming year and report the names to the Secretary at least twenty-one days before the Annual Meeting. No member of the Nominating Committee shall be eligible for the nomination for any office or elective committee.
  2. AUDITING COMMITTEE: It shall be the duty of the Auditing Committee to audit the accounts of the Secretary, Treasurer, and the House Committee semi-annually. Books of the above are to be closed June 30 and December 31. The fiscal year shall end on December 31.

Sec. 2.  Permanent Committees:

  1. FINANCE COMMITTEE: The Finance Committee shall consist   of five members including the Treasurer, a member of the Audit Committee and three eligible members selected by the Committee chairperson.  The Committee chairperson shall be nominated annually by the Commodore and approved by the Board of Directors, and to the extent possible, be an individual with financial skills and background. The Committee’s duties and responsibilities shall include:
  2. Ongoing independent review  and  oversight  of  the  Club’s  financial performance.
  3. Preparation of an  annual  budget,  in  coordination  with  all  Club committees  that  have  Profit  &  Loss  (hereafter  P&L) responsibility/impact,

iii. The recommendation of financial actions (P&L or balance sheet) to the Board of Directors in connection with financial performance, liquidity, and profitability

  1. Assisting the Treasurer with the creation and implementation of any substantive asset disposition, financing or capital raise plan that has been approved by the Board of Directors and/or the Membership.

A Committee representative shall also attend Board and Audit Committee meetings, when appropriate, and assist all other committees with their individual budgets, financial planning, and forecasting. The Committee shall submit an annual budget to the Board of Directors, for its approval, on or about January 1st. Once approved, any substantive changes or revision to the annual budget must be vetted with the Finance Committee prior to submission to the Board of Directors for formal approval. The Committee may, from time to time, issue a report to the Club membership, at an annual meeting, if requested by the Board of Directors, or at the Committee’s discretion.

Sec. 3. Standing Committees:

  1. Each standing committee shall be created by a vote of the Board of Directors and may be disbanded by a vote of the Board of Directors. Each committee shall, in concert with each appointed committee head, be subject to Board of Directors control and direction.
  2. Each standing committee chair shall be nominated annually by the Commodore and approved by the Board of Directors.
  3. Each committee shall select its membership from the eligible pool of members to serve on said committee.
  4. Each committee leadership structure or creation of a committee-level “Board of Directors” shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
  5. Each committee shall keep a record of accounts and all monies collected shall be the property of the Club.
  6. Each committee shall present an annual report to the Board of Directors each year, prior to the annual meeting in February and shall report additionally as required. The annual report shall at minimum review the activities of the past year including the committee’s activities and spending, a list of anticipated activities for the coming year along with an associated budget for board approval, and a committee member status report.
  7. All monies collected shall be turned over to the Treasurer for deposit and all bills to be paid shall be submitted to the Treasurer for payment in accordance with an annual budget, for said committee.
  8. CPYC Standing Committees:
    1. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT /LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE: The Capital Improvement committee shall consist of a chairperson and a minimum of 4 additional members. The Capital Improvement Committee shall have general charge and supervision of the Club’s capital projects (as approved by the Board) and the Club’s long range capital planning. Capital Improvement Funds shall only be used for Capital Improvement Projects as determined by the Capital Improvement Committee and approved by the Board of Directors unless an emergency arises at which time a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors can divert funds to another use.
    2. ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE: The Entertainment Committee shall consist of at least five members including a chairperson. The Entertainment Committee shall have general charge and supervision of the Club’s entertainment and member’s social functions.
    3. HOUSE COMMITTEE: The House Committee shall consist of at least five members including a chairperson.  The House Committee shall have general charge, maintenance and supervision of all clubhouse facilities and all rental properties including the internal contents pertaining thereto.
    4. MARINE FACILITIES COMMITTEE: The CPYC Marine Facilities Committee shall consist of at least seven (7) members, including the chairperson(s), of which at least three members shall be marina occupants, one member from Youth Sailing committee, and one member from the dry sailing space occupants. The MFC shall have general charge, maintenance and supervision of all marine facilities, services and Committee-approved boat rental programs throughout the Club involving the Club launch, head pier, side pier, marina, mooring fields, youth sailing, dinghy and work floats/docks and areas of the parking lot that may serve as dry sailing storage. Their duties shall include the promulgation and enforcement of MFC and board-approved marine facilities rules and regulations and fee schedule for all marine facilities usage and occupancy. In addition, they shall be responsible for the annual assignment of all marina slips, moorings, head pier, float/dock and if applicable, parking lot spaces for any and all vessels stored or moored at the Club. The Marine Facilities Fund shall be used for the maintenance and replacement of all floats, docks, and gangways in the marina. Substantive repair and replacement of the head pier shall be the responsibility of the Capital Improvement Committee. The MFC shall maintain an active liaison with the Capital Improvement and House Committees, providing a representative to attend those Committee’s meetings, as required.
    5. REGATTA COMMITTEE: The Regatta Committee shall consist of a least seven CPYC members including the chairperson and shall have general charge and supervision of CPYC's regattas and sailing race management program.
    6. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: The Membership Committee shall consist of at least five members including the chairperson. The Membership Committee will be responsible for recruiting new members, managing the interview, approval and sponsorship process for prospective members, retention of existing members (via stewardship and recognition events and activities). The Membership Committee will not have authority to grant membership but shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval.
    7. YOUTH SAILING PROGRAM COMMITTEE: The Youth Sailing Program Committee shall consist of at least five members including the chairperson and shall have general charge and supervision of the CPYC's youth sailing program.

Sec. 4. Ad Hoc Committees:

Other committees, dealing with ancillary Club programs, shall be organized and function with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Sec. 1. Remuneration of Officers: The Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be exempt from annual dues, all annual assessments and all other special assessments.  The Secretary and Treasurer shall each be compensated for the performance of their duties by the sum of $2,500.00 (Two Thousand Five Hundred dollars) annually. The above stated officers shall be subject to all applicable user fees.

Sec. 2. Arrears:

  1. The bills will be mailed on or before February 1. Any member in arrears for any indebtedness to the CPYC on March 1, of the same year shall be posted and immediately assessed a $50.00 late fee. If at the end of thirty days the indebtedness including the late fee is still unpaid, his or her membership shall be forfeited.
  2. Any member who has been dropped from the rolls under the provisions above, upon payment of their total indebtedness, may be reinstated up to September 1, of the same year with loss of seniority. After that date, they shall be considered a new applicant for membership, as per Article III, Sec. 1, by approval of the Board of Directors.
  3. The number of members who have been dropped from membership for non-paymentof dues or indebtedness shall be reported at the next Annual Meeting.

Sec. 3. Conduct and Discipline:  

  1. A member's conduct is a reflection of the Club. Upon written complaint by one or more members of misconduct injurious to the character and welfare of the Club by another member, the Board of Directors shall investigate the alleged misconduct. The Board shall convene a hearing with respect to the complaint. Each member making the complaint and the accused member shall be notified of the hearing and requested to attend.
  2. A member may be suspended for misconduct injurious to the character and welfare of the Club for a period not longer than six months by a five-member vote of the Board of Directors.
  3. If after investigation of the complaint in accordance with Section 3-A above, the Board of Directors determines that the matter requires action by the membership, they shall call a meeting which shall include a statement of the charges proffered against the member. At said meeting the accused member shall be given an opportunity to be heard.
  4. In accordance with Section 3- C above a member may be expelled for misconduct injurious to the character and welfare of the Club by a three-fourths vote of the members present and voting.

Sec. 4. Keycards / Fobs: A member shall not loan his or her keycard / Fob to a person not a member of the CPYC.  At the request of a member, the House Committee or the Club Manager may loan a keycard to a person not a member of the CPYC for a limited time and shall provide said person with a note stating the time for which it is loaned.

Sec. 5. Club Employee Reprimands: No reprimands shall be given any employee of the Club by members; but complaints of any nature shall be made in writing, signed by the complaining member or members, and presented to the Board of Directors.  Whereby the Board shall investigate all such complaint(s). Only the Board of Directors shall take what actions it deems appropriate regarding such complaint.

Sec. 6. Private Property: All private property on or about the Club property shall be at the owner's risk and the Club shall not be responsible for any loss or damage.

Sec. 7. Smoking Policy: The interior of the CPYC shall be a non-smoking area. Use of all tobacco products including the use of e-cigarettes and other inhaled combustibles shall be prohibited.

Sec. 1. General Rule: Subject to Sec.2, below - to the full extent that the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as they exist on February 21, 1996, or as they may thereafter be amended, permit the indemnification, limitation or elimination of the liability of officers or committee members - (a) the Club shall indemnify and hold harmless any officers or committee members from liability on account of any acts done in the scope of his or her duties or authority as such, and (b) no officer or committee member of the Club shall be personally liable to the Club or its members for damages for any breach of duty owed to the Club or its members.

Sec. 2. Exceptions: Indemnification, limitation, or elimination of liability under this article shall not be applicable to any

(a) Breach of the officer's or committee member's duty of loyalty to the Club or its members.

(b) Acts or omissions which are not in good faith or involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law.

(c) transaction from which the officer or committee member derived an improper personal benefit.

(d) improper act or omission occurring prior to February 21, 1996.

Sec. 3. Intent: The intent of the article is to provide the officers and committee members of the Club with the full and utmost protection and indemnification accorded them under the statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Any and all ambiguities as to acts and omissions will be resolved in favor of the officer or committee member.

Sec. 4.  Employees or Agents: The Club may, to the extent authorized from time to time by the Board of Directors, provide indemnification to employees or agents of the Club who are not officers or committee members, with such scope and effect as determined by the Board of Directors.

Sec. 1.  Boat Registration: Any boat owned in whole or in part by a member, may be enrolled at the Club (provided the boat is not for hire) upon the owners filing with the Secretary a description of the boat, containing the name ownership. dimensions, rig, etc.; boat part owners who are not members or a spouse / domestic partner of a member shall be considered a guest. No boat shall be allowed any CPYC Marina privileges unless duly enrolled except by permission of the Marina Facilities Committee. All boats shall be subject to the rules and fees set forth by the Marina Facilities Committee as approved by the Board of Directors.  Any member buying or selling an enrolled boat, or any part thereof, shall notify the Secretary accordingly within fourteen days after sale.

Sec. 2.  Racing Rules: The Racing Rules of the United States Sailing Association shall govern all races as far as they apply.

Sec. 1.  Suspension of Bylaws: Any of these Bylaws may be temporarily suspended at any regular or special meetings by a four-fifths vote of the members present and voting.

Sec. 2.  Amendments: These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at any meeting of the Club, provided that the Call of such a meeting shall have contained the proposed amendments in full. A substitute version of an amendment, making changes no greater than the amendment originally proposed, may be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least three days before such meeting and may then be adopted at the meeting instead of the amendment contained in the Call to the meeting. Any substantive amendment from the floor of the meeting, which is approved, will cause action on the main motion to be delayed to a subsequent duly called meeting. No amendment to the Bylaws may be acted upon at a meeting of the Club if substantially the same amendment, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, has been voted upon within the prior eleven (11) months of that meeting.

Sec. 3.  If an amendment to a Bylaw is approved by the membership as provided herein and that amendment conflicts with any other existing Bylaw, those affected Bylaws are automatically deemed amended to the extent necessary to resolve any conflict.  The Board is empowered to modify the provisions of those affected Bylaws to resolve any conflict upon the vote of two thirds of the Board members present and authorized to vote.

Sec. 4. The Board of Directors shall appoint a special committee at least every five years to review these Bylaws in full.  The committee shall be chaired by a CPYC officer as selected by the Board of Directors and four voting members. All recommendations for changes to these Bylaws shall then be subject to the amendment process as stipulated in article XII, Section(s) 2 and 3.

2024 Membership Dues, Fees & Assessments

Initiation Fee (1)Annual DuesChitsCapital Improvement Annual AssessmentYouth Sailing AssessmentNon-Boater Dredge Assessment (2)
SocialSOC$260$412$125$105--------- Exempt ----------$25
LifeLIFE-------------------- Exempt --------------------
HonoraryHON-------------------- Exempt --------------------
Regular SeniorSENN/A$458$125$350$20$25
Regular Military (3)MIL-------------------- Exempt --------------------
Non-Resident RegularNRE$790$360$0$350$20$25
Young Adult RegularYAD$790$358$125$350$20$25
Youth Associate (4)YAN/A$105-------------------- Exempt --------------------

1) Initiation Fee is for new memberships ONLY and are 2x’s the annual assessments. Children of current members in good standing are exempt. Initiation Fees for dues year 2024 were waived by a 2/3 vote of the membership on February 28, 2024.
2) Boat owner dredge assessment determined by boat type as voted by membership on November 16, 2022. See marina fee schedule for applicable assessment.
3) Regular Military exemption for all dues and annual assessments and all other voted special assessments for the duration of member’s service.
4) YA dues assessed to parent or grandparent annually for each linked membership.