Photo Gallery
1999 Star North Americans
(photos by Kelly Braverman)
Mark Reynolds and Rick Peters finishing
Eric Doyle and Tom Olson rounding first
Tight Racing
Regatta Sponsor Brian Keane
Joe Zambella and Mark Reynolds
Gary MacDonald and mark
Sergey Leonidov taking a catnap
Dag Nyhof and Peter Vessella wishing they had taken an earlier nap like Serge
Our Friendly Registration Staff is here to help you
Regatta Committee and Club Officers Jim Burns, Dave O'Brien, Joe Zambella, Phil Marks, Mike Gahan
Fran Charles and Dave Winkler examining girth
Six Flags
Six Flags Flying
Boats and Flags
Eagle Star
The Irish Contingent Philip Marks, Mark Mansfield, Dave O'Brien, Jim Burns, Dave O'Brien, Mike Gahan
Bermuda Peter Bromby
Bahamas Andrew Higgs, Jimmie Lowe
USA Stephen Braverman, Ron Rezac
Virgin Islands John Foster, Michael Lawlor
Jock leaving the dock
Chris Rogers and Joe Bainton play with their mast
A father daughter moment
Bonnie and Sharon with either too much sun, or to much fun....